First Transcritical CO2 Refrigeration System for ALDI Australia
This store has been recently opened in Melbourne. It uses CO2 refrigerant in a dx configuration for the freezer room in the back of house and also for all the medium temperature multideck cases and chiller rooms.
ISECO worked with Baker Refrigeration and ALDI to develop a system that complies with the recognised safety standards and meets ALDIS specifications for capacities and noise etc. The plant uses one low temperature compressor which discharges into the suction side of the medium temperature header with three medium temperature Bitzer semi hermetic compressors. A gas cooler is supplemented with adiabatic water sprays and a small water chiller to provide extra sub cooling as conditions dictate.
There are no F gas refrigerants used in any of the store refrigeration at this site with the chest freezers and the subcooler chiller running on small R290 systems.
Early indications are that this will be one of the most energy efficient refrigeration systems in the ALDI Australia fleet of stores.