Ammonia Refrigerant

Ammonia (Type B2) Refrigerant, Unrestricted Charge Category III Occupancy
Most refrigerated buildings are classified as 'Class 7b' this classification is determined by the purpose for which it is designed, constructed or adapted to be used.


TEWI Table

As part of our ongoing review of the proposed CPRS we have put together a TEWI comparison table of the current refrigerants and there natural alternatives.


Compliance Duties

ISECO Engineering Services has interpreted the Greenhouse and Energy Reporting ACT 2010 and the Energy Efficiency Opportunities ACT 2006 to determine the Compliance Duties that affect the refrigeration energy Users.


Refrigeration Design

Since March this year ISECO has been working with one of our supermarket clients and their refrigeration contractors to develope a CO2/R134a cascade Refrigeration Design.
